Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to teach God’s that they can live a Holy life before the eyes of God and to be able to live according to the word of God. To show them how to receive God’s Holy Ghost power, to teach those who have the call of God in their life how to walk and work in their callings of Anointing. This Ministry loves to see people being used by the power of the Holy Ghost. Yes we believe in the five fold Ministry, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. This Ministry believes what the word of God teaches the Bishops and Deacons are desired Offices with out the call of God.b

What is the Five Fold Ministry

Written by: Chief Apostle Dr. William H. Evans Jr.
Inspired by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost for God’s leaders and lay workers of a desired office.

It has been said and said time after time that the Five Fold Ministry should be in operation in every church body of Christ. These gifts that Jesus Christ has establish with in the body of Christ are to ensure the edifying of God’s word God’s Holy Spirit to fill a desire people that want to be full of God’s power and God’s guidance by the Holy Ghost to understand all mankind intents.

Some pastors have the misunderstood position of the Bishop refuse to allow Apostles to set order with in their churches for fear of the people knowing what God have called them to be with in the body of Jesus Christ.   Without the truth of the word of God, the people are tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men. Sleight means trickery.  Cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive the people of God. Sleight means trickery and to hold one in captivity under their laws and traditions.  Some would say. It’s a customs that we do this or our tradition our way of doing things here….

But Jesus Christ goals is to speak the truth in love, that God’s people may grow up into his likeness and image in all things concerning Jesus Christ.

Jesus gave out gifts unto men to keep the church from being in captivity of captive.  Mean being spiritual captive by a force with in a force. Held by evil spirits and oppressed  by Satan.

Understand that the Five Fold Ministry has five positions Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher. An Apostle can sit in a Pastor’s chair because of their position, but it dose not mean that God has called that Apostle as a Pastor before.  Where there is experience can produce a good leader. Just as Moses was a follower in Pharaoh’s house, he was able to lead God people out of Pharaoh’s back yard.  Being position in each position of the Five Fold Ministry will always make a good leader for Jesus Christ.


The Five Fold Ministry only has five positions.   The Apostle can impart into all other four position establish by Jesus Christ. Only Jesus Christ positions the Apostles into the Apostle’s office.   The Apostle’s anointing’s only come from God by way of the Holy Ghost.   The Apostle is to set order with in the church body. To correct as God’s spirit see fit. To impart into the people of God as the Holy Ghost see fit.  To use any Spiritual Gift of God as the Holy Ghost see fit.   To release from Heaven as the Holy Ghost see fit. To have Spiritual in sight as the Holy Ghost see fit. To preach revelation’s of God word and mysteries of the secret things of God as the Holy Ghost see fit. To have visions as the Holy Ghost see’s fit. To cast out evil spirits, when approached. To always lead man kind to Jesus Christ.  Apostles are to be excepted as a superior with in the body of Christ because of the authority that God has placed in their life. An Apostle can be a man or a woman. They are people put into a Holy position by God him self. There are Local Apostles, Region Apostles and World Wide Apostles.  And there is also Chief-Apostles also put in place by God.  The Chief-Apostle imparts into the Apostle life the tools of learning ( knowledge ) the will of God concerning the growth of the Body of Christ.


A Prophet is a person that is a guider from one place to another. There are only four  types of Prophets which they are prophet that can see. A prophet that can hear and a prophet that can see and hear what God is releasing unto them.  A prophet has been chosen by God to allow the people of God to prepare for what he is about to do or warn God’s people of the destructions by God because of sin. Also  to warn the unsaved about the dangers of the lake of fire.  A prophet is to go where the spirit of God leads them to go. They are not to be held down by any of the lower Five Fold Positions.  A prophet is to complete what ever assignment God start or flows out of them.  A  Prophet’s gifts must flow freely so they will not get frustrated with in them self.  Everything that a Prophet says will come to pass. Everything that a Prophet touches with his month will prosper or be cursed.  Only a angel sent from God or an Apostle can impart into a Prophet’s spirit. A Prophet can impart into the Evangelist , Pastor and teacher. They can say what God allows them to say unto a Apostle, but can not impart a Anointing into an Apostle’s life.
The Prophet’s desire of the levels of God’s Anointing’s can only be establish by and from the desire of God’s heart for his Prophet.  As God said as a man thinks so is he.     Therefore as the Prophet learns and know who he is God is faithful unto the needs of his Prophet. There are local Prophets, Region Prophets and World Wide Prophets.


Evangelist is a gather of God’s people and the lost souls who do not know Jesus Christ. The Anointing of the Evangelist is an Anointing out of the Prophet for it draws People souls to hear the Voice of God. The Evangelist can not be held down by anyone for their mission is beyond church walls.  The Evangelist must work their anointing’s and gifts of God, for they must know at all times where God wishes for them to go and what to do when they reaches the place that God has put into their spirit.  The Evangelist is one that God gives dreams and vision to as a guide into his will. The Evangelist has been given the power to cast out devils, demons, all forces of hell.  The Evangelist has the month piece of God to plant his word into lost souls and to strength God’s people.
God gives the Evangelist a fresh word on each assignment but most of the assignment is deliverance of the soul of man kind.  Evangelist is not to be touched   by the laying of hands of others unless God will allow the Evangelist to be subject  unto the Prophet or the  Apostle for prayer.  Evangelist must understand that their spirit window is always open for a out pour of God’s directions.  When a soul has been saved the Evangelist is to take the new born babe to a Pastor that God speaks unto them. They must speak to the Pastor to release the new born babe unto them. The Evangelist is to check on the new born babes to unsure their soul salvation.  And Evangelist can be a man or woman that God has chosen.


Pastor is a position of guard. Their job is to protect God people from sin and Satan.  The Pastor is to watch and set example on how to live for God and by the word of God. Pastors are chosen by God and made after the heart of God.  The Pastor is to preach and teach the word of God unto the body of Christ.  The Pastor is to train the people of God in living for God until God releases the person from their church body being directive by God to the next level of learning.  No child of God is to grow in a circle but they are to grow into the different levels of God.  Pastors are to understand that every person with in the church body is not on the same level as a whole.  For when they release one God will bring in another to be learned of Jesus Christ. Pastors are to show how to live for God in deeds and as a servant. Pastors do have the power to cast out evil spirits and any other force from hell.  Because of the position of the Pastor, there will have to be an Apostle to release the things of Heaven with in the body of Christ that God allows him to see and hear. Pastors can only release out of the Spirit of God at a certain level.  Pastor can not do what an Apostle is set in the Apostle’s office to do.    Pastors are to impart into the teacher knowledge of direction of what he wants the teacher to teach the body of Christ. A Pastor can not impart into an Evangelist position unless God has moved them from the Evangelist field of duties or they have the same gifts. Most of the time a Pastor is watching over the body of Christ which means they are not full force working in the abilities of the Evangelist position to be able to impart into the Evangelist. Pastors are not over the Evangelist in Authority for God did not set the Five Fold Ministry to be a full of bonds, but liberty.


Teacher the groomer. God’s teachers are full of fire. They teach to clean God’s people as well as fulfill a hunger for the word of God.  The teacher teaches the people of God from the inside out. God’s word go’s into a child of God’s spirit and cleans them from the inside out.  Because the flesh of man is a hoarder with in its self.  When the flesh collects other sins it also collects other sins of sins that the spirit of that sin is connected to. When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he said, I will return to my house from where I came out. St Luke 11: 24.  Jesus said when the unclean spirit is cast out it go’s into the dry places seeking rest and findeth none. After a while it go’s back where that spirit was cast out to see if the house is empty. If so that same unclean spirit go’s and get 7 other evil spirits that worser than it. If they get into that person their state is 7 times worser than before. Meaning that each unclean spirit has many fleshly sins which comes with each evil spirit that go’s back into that person. Jesus told his disciples now you are clean by my word.  The teacher is to hear God, and allow God spirit to show them revelations of his word.  All teachers do not teach the same, but the results of God’s word being planted is the same. Teachers must understand that they have to teach what God’s word is saying without taken from or adding to. A child of God will know what is the truth and what is a lie because many of God’s word have an understanding of God’s word. Revelations and mysteries that God releases upon the teachers to teach must be taught unto the people of God. God spirit is the one who imparts the understanding of the revelations, mysteries and the understanding of his word with in the listener.   The teachers must spend time with God to be able to learn so they can teach.  Teachers can be imparted by any of the higher positions as God see fit. Only a true sender will be able to impart into them. However the Pastor of the teacher needs to be impart into them as well as training and teaching the teach on word the Pastor wishes to be taught to the people of God. Teaches are the Pastor’s right hand serveant because they have to always be a line concerning the growth of the people of God.

What is a Bishop

A Bishop came about when the Apostle have chosen men to help them in their duties of the operation of the churches to ensure that they stayed a lined with God’s word.  Bishops are to teach the church what they have learned from the Apostles.  Their job was to see to it that the church were following what God released unto the Apostles which the Apostles taught the Bishops of a higher learning than the church body.  This learning was to cause the Bishops to keep up with the learnings of God’s way concerning the body of Christ.

Many bible readers  and Bishops will quote 1 Timothy 3:1-7 thinking that they know what a Bishop is to be and do, but fail to realize the likeness and image of God with in the requirements of what God’s word tell us. The image of God’s way is often over looked in the office of the Bishop because of their lack of knowledge understanding God’s will and purification that a man should have before entering into the office of a Bishop.

Words that a Bishop should know and know what they mean.

Blameless means  Innocent, righteous

Vigilant means being watchful, on your guard or cautious

Sober means clear headed or serious

Hospitality means to welcome , friendliness

Apt means to be suitable , fit or appropriate

Striker means  one who can be a demonstrator

Greedy means one who shows a unreasonably strong desire to obtain and keep money.

Brawler means to fight loudly in public places

Covetous means to be envious or jealous

Gravity means being seriousness about ones behavior.

Novice means a beginner with the big head.

Condemnation means to make a judicial pronouncement stating what punishment has been imposed on a person found guilty of a crime, especially in the case of a heavy penalty or a death sentence

A Bishop must be able to teach as God’s word points out of his guidelines of becoming a Bishop. Many Bishops have a miss understanding about their job and the office that they fill.  God word points out if any an desire the office of a Bishop  he desireth a good work.  A Bishop then must be blameless , the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality apt to teach;

Not given to wine not striker, not greedy of filthy lucre but patient not a brawler not covetous one that rules well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity.  For if a man  know not how to take care of his own house how shall he take care of the church of God.

Not a novice lest being lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without lest he fall into reproach and snare of the devil.

The Bishop is to be the Apostle’s right hand man.  Know that God said if any man desire.  The Bishop is chosen by man and impart into by a Apostle. Another Bishop can not impart into another Bishop because God has not given the Bishop the power to do so. Apostle’s was chosen by God and Bishops were appointed by Apostles. “The apostles have preached the gospel to us from the Lord Jesus Christ; Jesus Christ [has done so] from God. Christ therefore was sent forth by God, and the apostles by Christ. Both these appointments, then, were made in an orderly way, according to the will of God. Having therefore received their orders, and being fully assured by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and established in the word of God, with full assurance of the Holy Ghost, they went forth proclaiming that the kingdom of God was at hand. And thus preaching through countries and cities, they appointed the first fruits [of their labours], having first proved them by the Spirit, to be bishops and deacons of those who should afterwards believe. Nor was this any new thing, since indeed many ages before it was written concerning bishops and deacons. For thus says the Scripture in a certain place, I will appoint their bishops in righteousness, and their deacons in faith.” 

These duties were to have been done in the years of AD 97.

Bishops are the right hand of the Apostles. Servants of the Apostles. God in endue His Power upon the Apostles. And Apostles impart upon Bishops that were able to fulfil their mission for that season. Bishops are to always be imparted by Apostles that they might stay a line with God’s will and what the Apostles are to teach the Bishop. Any Bishop that do not have an Apostle as their covering Apostle, makes that Bishop out of line with the word of God. Bishops can not except or chose a man if he desires the office of a Bishops only an Apostle can except a man into the office of a Bishop by way of concentrating a man into a Bishop office.

God endows his power into an Apostle, and it stays until he dies or that Apostle turns his back on God. When a Bishop is impart by an Apostle’s Anointing that God releases at that time through the Apostle,  its only for a season of work and a lining the Bishop with in God will  and plan for the body of Christ. Before the season is up or after the season is up the Bishop must return back unto his Apostle to be imparted again. When Jesus breath on them they receive power of the Holy Ghost, and they were sent two by two. After the work was done the power was gone.

The office of the Bishop do not come with an Anointing from God but an impartation  Anointing from the Apostle upon the Bishop. As Gehazi was Elisha’s servant and right hand man, so are Bishops to the Apostle. Apostles give the orders as God gives it to them and the Apostle are to teach and impart into the Bishop that they will be able to teach the body of Christ.

Anointed Temple of God